What is Percussive Gun Massage?
Percussive therapy is a massage technique designed to treat soft tissue pain.

What is IASTM?
IASTM is another option to resolve pain and tightness in the body. The instruments make it easier to detect and treat fascial dysfunction, triggering an inflammatory healing response.
Facial Hijama
Cupping is an alternative therapy that uses suction cups to stimulate your skin and muscles…
Why You Should Fast Before Hijama?
Most may have gathered by now that Hijama is a treatment that generally involves the removal of waste…

Preparation before Hijama
Hijama is a great Sunnah of Rasulullah (SAW) and also an amazing way of healing…
Aftercare Treatment
Hijama marks will heal in 2-3 days to a week sometimes it can take up to 2 weeks…